Human error causing accidents and costing lives in the healthcare industry is the last thing we want. An incredible amount of mishaps have happened due to manual errors in diagnostics, and they are still happening. Take a look at the gruelling real-world numbers supporting this claim of ours:
- Hopkins Medicine Organization reports that an estimated 795,000 Americans die or are permanently disabled by diagnostic error each year, confirming the pressing nature of the public health problem.
- According to a study from the Armstrong Institute, an estimated 12 million Americans are affected each year, and perhaps one-third are harmed.
- Even the most esteemed entity, WHO stunningly proclaimed that around 1 in every 10 patients is harmed in health care, and more than 3 million deaths occur annually due to unsafe care. In low-to-middle-income countries, as many as 4 in 100 people die from unsafe care.