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Innovations perk me up when I see industries and businesses getting transformed with cutting-edge technologies. But by far, I count technological innovation in the healthcare industry as the mother of all innovations.

A lot of healthcare software applications and healthcare mobility solutions have been developed that changed the way of getting healthcare services.

The deployment of Cloud-based services in the healthcare sector has gained massive traction in recent years.

Whether as a component of the strategic vision of adopting digital changes by the organization or a sheer requirement posed by the changing business environment, if applied in a right manner, cloud computing’s role in the healthcare field can be notable to a major extent.

In the healthcare industry, the advantages of healthcare cloud computing are often leveraged simultaneously for both patients and professionals.

Cost-efficiency, higher privacy, and facilitating better care with the help of collaboration and interoperability, are among the major benefits of the application of cloud computing in the healthcare sector.

Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Cloud Computing in healthcare refers to the application of remote servers utilized through the internet for storing, managing, and processing data related to healthcare or medical information.

This is in contrast to setting up a data center using online servers with the capacity of storing a huge amount of data in an extensively secured manner.

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Storage on the cloud leverages a flexible solution that permits healthcare professionals and hospitals to offer a network consisting of remotely accessible servers where large data volumes can be stored with extensive security ensured by IT professionals.

Since the EMR mandate, global organizations have accommodated cloud-based solutions for bringing efficiency to healthcare services as a means of securing and preserving the medical records of the patients.

According to research done by BCC, the global market of cloud computing is expected to reach $35 billion by the end of 2022, experiencing an incessant growth of 11.6% every year.

Despite that, it has come out in a survey that more than 27% of hospitals and healthcare organizations still have not planned for shifting their data centers to the cloud. This is most in comparison with all other industries.

Challenges before Healthcare Organizations

Due to the involvement of a large amount of data, the healthcare industry deals with the utilization of a vast number of records and information on an everyday basis.

This exposes healthcare organizations to several challenges and custom healthcare software development companies encounter major challenges relating to data security, accessibility and cost optimization.

High Cost

A huge amount of data gets processed by the organizations working in the healthcare sector, which they collect from different devices.

Maintaining this data in hard form requires regular maintenance and high costing. Simultaneously, cloud computing applications in healthcare help reduce the burden and offer scaling when there is a need of more space.

Cloud service providers offer a pay-as-you-go approach in so many cloud services.

This infrastructure leverages higher flexibility for organizations as the majority of organizations tend to pay only for services they need and for whatever period.

This offers ease and helps companies save significant funds in terms of services’ cost reduction, and reducing the cost of improving medical equipment for diagnosis.


Healthcare companies are of complex nature as more than one professional is usually aligned with one patient.

Providing up-to-date information and medical data about the patient and avoiding additional communication is not simple and is resource-intensive.

Cloud services offer updating this data in real-time, and every expert gets access and can update after obtaining permission.

This can simplify every function in a dramatic manner that is supposed to be performed by medical specialists and makes it easy for patients.

Patients can view changes inculcated in prescriptions and appointments online which are incurred by the hospital staff.


There exist a significant risk of breakdown and losing data with zero chance of restoring it when hardware resources are used.

Since, the healthcare sector deals with diverse data relating to diagnostics, laboratory records, medical history, billing, and many more, irreparable damage can be caused to the organization. But, using cloud services assure backup as the servers are located in several geographical locations.

Security is one of the most significant factors which is emphasized in cloud services and leverage one of the most crucial advantages for the healthcare industry.

The data can also be saved in case of natural disasters or similar events. The cloud computing provides better security and prevents vulnerabilities that may exist in IoT-connected medical devices and on-premises systems.

Benefits of Cloud Computing for Healthcare

Cloud computing in healthcare is capable of leveraging so many advantages and some of the advantages of implementing cloud computing in the healthcare industry are mentioned below:

Affordable for Healthcare Data Storing

Production of massive amount of digital is a regular phenomenon for healthcare providers. Such data including laboratory records, insurance claims and records, EMRs, and medical prescriptions are critical from both hospitals and patients’ point of view.

Cloud technology helps handling the said data in a better and efficient manner. When cloud computing offers extensive storage of data, the tools for analysis based on cloud technology can utilize this data more productively and in generating meaningful information.

Operating Data is Easier on Cloud

Healthcare organizations deals with data relating to patients’ illness, personal information and payments and financial records and manual structuring and processing of this data is not easy.

In turn, errors in any particular aspect proves expensive in both literal and figurative ways.

Cloud-based devices and processing tools brings more accessibility, productivity and insightfulness in the operations.

AI and machine learning capabilities in cloud technology pays a major role in operational efficiencies.

Quick Entry of Products in the Market

The pandemic has proved this benefit of cloud-computing. In 2020, when Spoedtestcorona had been making efforts of establishing safe and affordable testing services throughout Netherlands and Belgium, a major challenge encountered by them was delivering a cross-platform web-based application within a restricted time.

The app would reduce the human interaction to the minimum and make testing safer for both healthcare professional and patients.

Working with AWS cloud services, deployment of the app within shorter span of time became easier and meeting high compliance needs for handling personal and medical data got easier.

High Accessibility of Healthcare Services

Telemedicine is a new trend in healthcare, which allows receiving medical care online. During the COVID pandemic it has proven to be an essential tool in medical industry.

Also, in other cases, online and remote consultations offer ability of avoiding visits to far away clinics and hospitals for disabled people and people from remote areas.

The feasibility of managing constant communication with healthcare professionals, especially post-surgery or surgical treatments is another significant benefit of cloud computing in medical field.

Also, cloud computing leverage timely reminders of medicines and consultation that helps patients handling their treatment cycle efficiently.

Enhanced Collaboration

Implementing cloud technologies in healthcare helps improving collaboration. The presence of EMR in the cloud makes patients not requiring individual medical records to be carried along while visiting a doctor or hospital.

Cloud computing allow doctors sharing data, checking earlier consultation records, and making changes online in records as per the patients’ needs.

It helps saving time for doctors and medical professionals and aids in more precise diagnosis and cure.

Risks Associated with Cloud Computing

Cloud-computing also involves some of major risks, which are:

Restricted Ecosystem: Reaping the benefits of this technology requires use of AI, IoT, and data management technologies.

Lack of Experts: There are hardly any experts and specialist developers in the healthcare software domain for carrying the expertise for integrating new technological inventions in the industry.

Similarly, it is hard finding cloud expert professionals proficient in cloud-based healthcare mobile app development in the health sector.

Security Challenges: Storing healthcare related data and information is the primary point of accommodating cloud technology. However, it poses major security related risks also.

Issues in Adopting technologies: The entire task management process needed to be transformed if the move from the legacy framework to cloud technologies is attempted.

Healthcare agencies are required to provide training to everyone in the system about how it would be helpful in their everyday operations.

Final Takeaways

Above discussion has shown how cloud computing impact the healthcare industry. On major level, from reducing the cost of medical services to improving communication between patients and medical professionals.

Also, the quality of treatment can be enhanced with the cloud services. Cloud-computing proves to be paying importance in the healthcare industry; they make a massive positive impact on healthcare business organizations and hospitals.

According to the latest reports, adoption of cloud-based solutions is enhancing in the healthcare & pharma businesses with each day passing.

Healthcare web and mobile app development is becoming highly popular among the healthcare companies and so many top mobile app development companies are leveraging their services in cloud-computing.

How We Can Help?

Bytes Technolob is a top healthcare software development company that helps you elevate your healthcare services to the patients and app users.

We bring healthcare to your end-users in the best way possible with limitless potential and help you keep your business close to your patients.

The range of healthcare solutions we can offer based on your business idea will help you understand our industry experience and cloud expertise.

Contact our experts now for a 30-hour FREE consultation if you have a brilliant idea.

Let us help you serve your patients better!

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