Laravel Development


Laravel is a popular PHP framework in web development services. Today, we are talking about a great companion for the Laravel web developers that makes their coding life easy. Software development has evolved greatly with time and there are a lot of tools available which the dev community can use to deliver top web development or web application development quality.

Laravel Telescope is a debugging assistant tool for Laravel applications. It provides a simple and convenient interface for debugging, profiling and monitoring your application’s performance. Laravel Telescope is an open-source package that helps developers to easily debug their applications and improve their performance.

Installing Laravel Telescope:

Laravel Telescope can be installed using Composer. You can run the following command in the terminal to install Laravel Telescope.
Laravel telescope



After installation, you need to publish the Telescope configuration and assets using the following command.

Laravel telescope


The configuration file for Laravel Telescope is located in the config/telescope.php file. This file contains various options that you can use to configure Telescope according to your requirements.


Telescope provides two types of filtering: Entries and Batches.


You can filter the Telescope entries by their type, such as Requests, Exceptions, Jobs, and more. To filter by entry type, you can use the following syntax:

Telescope entries


You can filter Telescope batches by their status, such as Completed, Failed, or Running. To filter by batch status, you can use the following syntax:

Telescope batches

Use Cases:

Laravel Telescope can be used for various use cases, such as:
Debugging application errors and exceptions.
Monitoring database queries and their performance.
Profiling application performance and memory usage.
Monitoring scheduled tasks and their execution.
Analyzing HTTP requests and responses.


What features are provided by a telescope?

Laravel Telescope provides the following features:

Real-time insights into the application’s behavior.
Detailed information about database queries, exceptions, jobs, and more.
Easy navigation and filtering of Telescope entries.
A beautiful and intuitive user interface for debugging and profiling.
The ability to monitor application performance and memory usage.

Available Watchers

Telescope provides various watchers that you can use to monitor different aspects of your application. The following are the available watchers:

Batch Watcher: This watcher monitors the status of batches.

Cache Watcher: This watcher monitors cache usage and activity.

Command Watcher: This watcher monitors command execution and their output.

Event Watcher: This watcher monitors event dispatching and listening.

Exception Watcher: This watcher monitors exceptions and their trace information.

Job Watcher: This watcher monitors job execution and their status.

Log Watcher: This watcher monitors application logs.

Mail Watcher: This watcher monitors email sending and their content.

Model Watcher: This watcher monitors database queries and their performance for specific models.

Notification Watcher: This watcher monitors notifications and their recipients.

Queue Watcher: This watcher monitors queue activity and their status.

Request Watcher: This watcher monitors HTTP requests and their responses.

Schedule Watcher: This watcher monitors scheduled tasks and their execution.

Telescope Watcher: This watcher monitors Telescope activity and performance.

List of Available Watchers with code example:

Let’s take a look at some of the available watchers with code examples.

1. Cache Watcher:

Cache Watcher

2. Job Watcher:

Job Watcher

3. Model Watcher:

Model Watcher

Data Pruning

Telescope allows you to automatically prune the old entries and batches from the database to avoid filling up the disk space. You can configure the pruning settings in the config/telescope.php file.

Advantages of Telescope

Laravel Telescope provides the following advantages:

1. Saves development time by providing an easy-to-use debugging interface.

2. Provides real-time insights into the application’s behavior.

3. Helps to identify and fix performance issues.

4. Improves application scalability and reliability.

5. Provides a better understanding of the application’s architecture and data flow.


Laravel Telescope is an essential package for Laravel developers who want to improve their application’s performance and reliability. It provides a comprehensive set of debugging and profiling tools that make it easy to monitor and analyze the application’s behavior. With its intuitive user interface and powerful features, Laravel Telescope is a must-have tool for any serious Laravel developer.

Contact or hire Laravel developers for similar requirements or to build a custom web application from scratch.

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