MEAN Stack

How Can Mean Stack Development Make A Difference to Your App Project?

How effectively can you solve a user’s problems using web solutions? If it is developed correctly with all must-have functionality, it is successful. Otherwise, it is a disaster causing you financial burden and all your time and effort being wasted. The right tech stack or web solution or application toolkit is essential. Similarly, it is essential to hire an expert web development or mobile app development company that provides a great deal of technical expertise, knowledge and business advancements.

Considering the correct technology stack or web framework, it is a tool that makes the development of an application easier. Also, it ensures it provides the standard set of functionalities including data validation, security, and session, etc. that discourage reinvention of the same code each time you need to develop an application.

Among all, MEAN stack with great distinctions and trade-offs has become one of the most popular technology stacks for your web applications. Do you thing MEAN stack technology can be able to come to your expectation and give the best business outcomes? When struggling to find the appropriate solution to this, we would give essential information on this tech stack so that you can make a difference with your app project.

MEAN Stack To Bring A Different To Your App Project

Currently, most app development companies prefer MEAN Stack to LAMP and also WAMP.It’s because the structure of this tech gives solid foundational advances to small startups as well as enterprises to stay in the completion. So, MEAN Stack certainly leads as a component of an advanced web framework that enhances better results for web and mobile app development.

What is MEAN Stack?

It is an open-source tech stack comprising of four different web technologies including
MongoDB, Express, Angular.JS and Node.js. Combining its initials, it has emerged as the most popular and widely used acronym known as MEAN in the web development biz to cater to the complex web or mobile solutions. So far, MEAN has been proved as a most reliable technology component for web developers.

With full-stack capability embedded inMEAN’s four components, itoffers four diverse and feature-rich functionalities.

MongoDB acts as a database system. Express solves issues related to the backend infrastructure. Client-side rendering or frontend development is fully capacitated with AngularJSwhile Node.js caters to backend functions as a runtime environment. Although each component of the technologies can act separately, their combined nature can of great value that brings high-performance to the project’s success. All of this, JavaScript is everywhere in this tech stack.

A Detailed view into MEAN stack components


Architected with the object-oriented data model, this open-source NoSQL database uses collections and documents instead of tables and rows as is related to the relational database. MongoDB is scalable and enables lots of data-handling.


In combination with Node.js, this server-sideJavaScript framework is ideal to facilitate web and mobile app development at ease. As it follows modularity, it can easily help build secure and fast apps.


AngularJS can scale as a frontendJavaScript platform to aid in the development of fast and feature-rich SPA and dynamic web applications using its modular architecture.


Armed with rich open-source libraries and components, Node.js has become the most popular JavaScript-based V8 engine runtime environment. Besides JS, it also combines machine codes to improve web app performance and scalability.

Why MEAN Stack Development For Your Web Or Mobile Projects?

MEAN stack comes with robust and attractive features making it the most efficient and favored technology solution for developers and also businesses.Check with some of the best specifications of MEAN stack that help accelerate development speed and save a good amount of time.

JavaScript all around

All the key technologies of MEAN stack are bound together with avaScript, meaning one base JS code can be found everywhere around client-side and server-side. Node.js enables server-side codingwith JavaScript bringing the flexibility of this programming language to the backend. At the same time,Angular.JS makes it easy to write code for client-side that also takes care of backend and frontend code usability.


For the right volume of data management, MongoDB offers an easy and scalable solution.Without the need for updating the data, MongoDBcan improve functionalities with easy addition of the table.Besides, MongoDBis a document model database so it improves performance for different applications.

V8 runtime environment Node.js

Node.js is a JavaScript-based runtime environment that can perform as a web server.
Node.js makes it possible to leverage web server through an app accelerating the deployment process with MEAN stack development . Several features of Node.js are so delightful.

  • Being cross-platform, Node.js runtime environment can comply with different
    operating systems.
  • Node.js can consume single thread and enable HTTP requests.
  • Performs non-blocking I/O calls to operate efficient incoming requests
  • High performance as compared to web servers such as Apache
  • It can request data independently to enable web socketssuitable for building real-time


Not only does Angular.JS offer the bestfrontend development framework, but also it combines AJAX-powered rich elements into the frontend and eases the development of successful single-page applications. This flexibility makes MEAN stack an ideal application development toolkit that is effective and scalable.

JSON Benefits

MEAN stack development is a great tool to allow JSON benefits. Efficient and renowned MEAN stack developers need to not write codes repeatedly reducing overall development process and resource. JSON helps developers absorb the best elements from PHP and help import data from MSQL. Above all, JSON allows cuing from external APIs, so it is easy to combine APIs for your work.

Open-source and free

First thing first, MEAN stack is open-source and free and supported by a large community of developers. You can stay current and take advantage of the latesttool and skill support to advance your development process. Hire expert MEAN stack developers who are well-conversant with the industry and uses the best practice of web and mobile app development.


Businesses that want to ensure cost-savings on the project development, MEAN stack development offers the best freedom of choice and flexibility. When a need arises to serve the diverse needs of a project, MEAN prevents the hiring of individuals that are experts in the particular tech stack. MEAN stack being a full-stack JavaScript-based profile, an efficient team of JavaScript developers can be a great help for team collaboration and project management.

What benefits can we get from MEAN Stack Development?

MEAN Stack development provides excellent benefits for both businesses and developers.
Find them to know how MEAN stack web or mobile app development can become the best solution for you.

Highly-efficient and flexible

By now, we know that JavaScript is the core of its foundation. So, we can expect great flexibility and performance when it comes to handling projects with different needs and volumes.

For complex web development and more so with single page applications, skilled MEAN Stack developers can prove to be efficient and highly eligible. Toget work done faster, the ease of data sharing and flexibility of information sharing helps in a great way.

Intense Scalability

With JavaScript everywhere, MEAN stack developers have it easy to execute projects very effectively and efficiently. At the same time, we can also enjoy the development of isomorphic code development using the same web framework, meaning as after you write codes in Node, if you feel like transferring it to the Angular.JS, you can do it without any hassle. Also, with strong database support to help you with project hosting, MongoDB enables automatic data sharing and improves the development process.

Simple deployment

A custom app may become quite complicated to develop for a varying level of business owners. But, experienced MEAN stack developers can add extended features and functionalities into a custom solution for businesses using the high-end capabilities of JavaScript, allowing you to reduce the complexities quite easily.

As a result, when you use one universal programming language for application development, implementation will be easier for developers.

Ease of use

When it comes to building a flawless user interface to add to the great user experience with mobile or web apps, AngularJS out ofthe MEAN stack’s components leads in the first place. As MEAN unleashes opportunities to build the best front-end interfaces using this server-end technology, it is probably the best framework for everyone that gives performance, speedier loading time and also flexibility.


Applicationsbuilt with MEAN stack are made to be high performing by defaultthat can offer better use of loads of features and functions. Two of the properties of MEAN are popular to aid high performance to applications. Node.jsoffers great performing capabilities as compared to other backend programming coding languages, where AngularJS boosts the overall performance capacity of applications. Robust and simple by nature,

AngularJScomprises different features including Filters, API Client, Routing, Animations among others to make web and mobile development quicker.

Ease of Development for Developers

MEAN stack brings a greater level of efficiency and productivity in a team. As your in-house team of developers is already conversant with JavaScript, each of everyone can contribute to the project development through better use of coordination. When your team moves steadily and seamlessly, your project can be dynamic and elegant. With the whole of the project assigned to MEAN stack development, developers can craft bespoke applications for businesses.

Faster development

When developing with this framework, you can avail lots of libraries, components and also reusable code that add to the speedier development of projects.

You can get improved libraries from Node.js to be used anytime during the development process. And for this, there is no need to write application code from scratch helping you save lots of time. On the other hand, you are notified automatically when there is any breakdown. Using the automated testing feature of an application, error handling and
deployment is easy speeding up the whole development process for applications.

Overall, everyone can leverage the best benefits of time-saving and also less labor-

Best suited for real time app development

Building a single page application is easy with MEAN while this phenomenon also helps in developing real-time application projects. If you build a real-time application for your business that enables instant feedback to customer queries real-time application gives better opportunities to users to unleash app function and potential. Leveraging the capability of SPA, MEAN does not encourage updates for web pages when accepting each server-request. Simply put, it is fast and easy to issue an update to real-time application development during the software life cycle process.

Wrapping up

The sophistication you get from MEAN stack development ensures a smooth development process for the web or mobile app projects. With loads of features, modules, libraries,especially JavaScript librarieseverywhere, we develop and deploy better business application for every type of business. The benefits of MEAN stack are definitely comprehensive and impactful to choose it over any other web or mobile application development framework. Bytes Technolab as a leading MEAN stack development company can scale up your business objectives to the next level.

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