php development


You will be surprised to know that PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor was developed in 1995, which means it is almost 27 years old! 

PHP might be old, but it is still one of the most popular programming languages that is still used by around 80% of all websites like WordPress and Facebook.

But, what exactly is PHP?

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is known to develop dynamic and interactive websites. The first version of PHP was launched in June 1995 and currently, it is running on PHP 8 which was released in November 2020.

The main function of the scripting language is to write programs (scripts) to automate certain tasks which otherwise have to be done manually.

Today, PHP is used for building web apps, especially the server side (backend development). This language is backed by a vast range of hosting providers and it is also well-known for building dynamic websites, all thanks to its various tools and additional modules for developing web apps.

Now, let’s see what makes PHP the best choice for web app development

Free and open-source

Open-source and free could be one of the reasons behind the huge popularity of PHP. That being said, you can hire the best PHP developer to create any type of web solution like websites, eCommerce stores, or even a web application.

Apart from that, PHP is also well-known in the field of website development, so you can get PHP full-stack developers to help you develop a robust website or web app. Plus the community is always there to put efforts to ensure that the language remains par excellence.

Adaptable to every OS

Another advantage of PHP is that it is compatible with all operating systems including Mac, Windows, Linux, etc. Along with that, it perfectly syncs with MySQL and Apache servers as well. This means, PHP can be used with all operating systems and can be executed on various platforms.

Further, PHP is able to build cross-platform web apps, making cross-platform web development convenient. Such a web app can run on any system irrespective of the operating system it is running.

Dynamic and flexible

PHP website development company can help you develop secure and encrypted websites and web apps. While the encryption capabilities and scalability make this server-side language valuable. 

Moreover, web apps and websites built using PHP load automatically without any manual intervention. Along with that, PHP is much more flexible as compared to other server-side languages and can be customized to fulfill your business needs. 

One thing to remember is that PHP is an open-source language, developers can use any code editor to write PHP codes and can even be paired with different libraries to produce varied effects.

Infinite resources available

Another benefit of choosing a PHP web development service is that it comes with a ton of resources and tools so that developers can add specific features or functionalities within the web apps. 

So, if the developer needs editors, dependency managers, documentation tools, or frameworks, PHP is always ready to offer quality tools for that. Also while going through these resources, one can easily learn PHP and find new ways to build a web solution.

That being said, PHP is an ocean full of resources that cover all kinds of topics related to this field. Additionally, PHP also offers a vast range of extensions to develop the right solution according to the needs.

A robust solution with PHP frameworks

Did you know that PHP is the reason behind many frameworks with which developers can develop web apps quickly and easily? Yes, you have read that right, many frameworks like CakePHP, Laravel, Symfony, Zend framework, and more, were all created using PHP.

And using these frameworks, developers were able to create robust yet scalable web apps and websites. Furthermore, these frameworks support MVC (Model View Controller) architecture that accelerates coding, while enabling programmers to build efficient solutions.

Works best with different CMSs

Choosing PHP is the best choice for you as it works flawlessly with most content management systems. Content management systems like WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Joomla, and more are written in PHP or powered by a PHP-based framework. 

This is an added advantage if you are choosing PHP for your web app project. 

Database flexibility

When it comes to database connectivity, PHP is a very flexible language as it supports varied databases like MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, etc. Due to database flexibility, this server-side language can be used for different application environments to develop customized web apps and websites.

All in all, PHP is one of the leading technologies behind various web solutions, whether it’s a simple website, an eCommerce store, or a web application.

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