Web Development

What is a Headless Content Management System(CMS)?

CMS now calls for flexibility, scalability, and adaptability over several days. Any content management system with the body separated from the presentation layer can be used as a backend with a headless CMS (Head). The contents are seen on several devices through API.

Best CMS platform such as WordPress, one of the best blogging platform, is utilized for the creation of headless APIs that can be displayed on a layer or on a frontend. The content is provided by CMS This is why the CMS is known as Headless Content Management System as the body and presentation layer considered as the Head. With best WordPress themes you can make your content visually pleasing as well.

The term “headless” stems from the concept of chopping the “head” off the “body” (the back end, i.e. the content repository). A headless CMS still has an interface for contents and a RESTful or GraphQL API for content delivery. As a result, a headless CMS doesn’t care how and where your content appears. A headless CMS has only one objective: the storage and delivery of structured content and the collaboration of content editors with new content.

Content Management System Features, why you should use it

– Easier, faster, and more flexible delivery of content

– Provides full content control.

– Secure integrations of third parties.

– It enables developers to utilize their preferred framework such as React, Angular etc.

– Easily integrate with the most advanced technology.

Why Should You Use WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS)?

WordPress is open source software with a source code for anybody to modify or upgrade. Easy and easy to use WordPress. There are over 27 percent of WordPress sites. With the latest trends and technologies, WordPress remains up-to-date. WordPress Developmenthas 5k+ SEO-friendly themes, many more free themes, and personalizes them as desired.

More than twenty thousand plugins have been available to personalize your website. WordPress is a CMS that supports SEO Plugins like Yoast WordPress SEO, All-in-One-SEO-Pack, etc., thus we are familiar with SEO tags for use with HTML.

Also read: [Hire The Best-In-Class Craft CMS Developers For You Next Project]

Step 1: Create a new installation for WordPress

WordPress Installation is pretty simple. WordPress can be downloaded via https://wordpress.org/download/. To run a WordPress site and establish a database, using phpmyadmin, it’s also necessary to download XAMPP or WAMP servers. After all, things have been configured to go ahead and access the admin dashboard. For example- http://your.com/wp-admin.

Step 2: Install the WordPress REST API Plugin

Go to Plugins > Add New and look for “WordPress REST API.” Go ahead and install, then turn it on.

Step 3: API Check

Now it’s time to get the favoured API application tool such as Postman, SOAP UI and HP UFT.

Get API request to http://your-site.dev/wp-json/. You will receive JSON format data containing your site’s content and resources.

Step 4: Required Plugins

What are we going to do next? You must use custom fields to display your dynamic content on the webpage.

CPT UI: The most powerful WordPress plugin is the Custom Post Type. You can build custom content.

For demonstration Create a custom post type as a movie.

Now we will manually build a custom post type. The next steps are to establish a custom post type.

1. Go to CPT UI > Add/Edit Post Types

2. For the Post Type Slug, enter as a slug movies.

3. For the Plural, enter Movies

4. For the Singular Label, enter Movie

5. Now comes the key part: go down and find the Settings option, where you will find the “Show in REST API” option.

6. Scroll all the way to the bottom and select Add Post Type.

Advanced Custom Field: ACF is one of WordPress’s most famous plugin. Custom fields are table and custom fields are columns of that table, while considering a data base.

To create custom fields, follow these steps:

1. Go to Custom Fields > Fields Group

2. To Add New Field, click on Add New.

3. Enter a name such as “Movie Title” or something like that for the Field Group title.

4. Set the post type to be Movie equivalent.

ACF to REST API: ACF does not give API support so that this problem can be overcome The ACT to REST API entered the scene and provides API support.

Step 5: Post Data Import

This is the final stage in serving movie data. For importing we require movie data collections. Go Tools > Import and click to import data on the bottom.

Step 6: Install Create React App

You must first install Node on your system. Following this, execute the following install command:

npm install -g create-react-app

That’s all, your react app has been created.

Step 7: Create the App

Now Change the directory using the cd command and name the folder something like

cd create-react-app headless-wp

Run command npm start from there

You will redirect to http://localhost:3000: automatically

Step 8: Create your Component

We’ll create one component like componentname.js and import it into the parent component.

Open your App.js now delete existing code exclude import react and export default. So your file will look like this:

import React, { Component } from ‘react’;
export default App;

Now you need to create render() for this component. This function calls each and every time when the function state will change.

Wrapping up

As you can see, there is no 100 percent CMS for each instance – but we believe that the approach we should seek to achieve is to shut down the layer of presentation of your content and make it accessible for more than a single platform if necessary! Not only to quickly reuse your content, but you don’t have to worry about your content if you ever want to alter your technology stack.

If you are looking for the best cms development services, consider Bytes Technolab Inc one of the leading Enterprise CMS Development Company.

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