Laravel Development


PHP Laravel is an open-source web application framework It provides a clean and elegant syntax while aiming to make web development tasks, such as routing, caching, and database interactions, easier for web application development teams. Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern for making wonderful web-based applications and enterprise projects. Also, PHP-based Laravel provides various types of ecosystems.

An ecosystem has been important to the success of our business. Laravel Horizon is also one of the most powerful and popular frameworks or ecosystems that is provided by Laravel. Today, we are talking about a great companion for expert Laravel developer that makes their execution times with route requests to the server and response time. Using this we can archive optimization of our application and see tracking reports of the whole product or application.

What is Laravel Horizon?

Laravel Horizon is a powerful queue manager and monitoring tool provided by the PHP Laravel framework. It offers several features that enhance the queueing capabilities of Laravel applications. One of the main features of Laravel Horizon is its intuitive and user-friendly dashboard.

Benefits of Laravel Horizon


Queue Monitoring

Configuration-Based Scaling

Long-Running Jobs

Job Metrics

Job Restarting

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Understanding of Laravel Horizon with Implementation Level

Laravel Horizon is a beautiful package that provides a code-based UI dashboard that shows and configures how your jobs are processed and allows you to monitor the system such as job throughput, runtime, and job failures.


Using Composer we can install Horizon in our Laravel project:

After installing Horizon, publish its assets using the “php artisan horizon” Artisan command:

Using the artisan command scans your “horizon.php” config file and starts a number of queue workers based on the below configurations:

Check the horizon.php config should match the queue.php configs. In the configured queue and connection both attributes are pointed to Radis. It starts a queue of workers based on configuration.

Once we have all setup done then we can hit http://your_project/horizon. On that can see a dashboard of the Laravel Horizon.

In that dashboard, we can see all generated analytics and perform different queue-related tasks with processing and execution time.

Important commands:

Here, the following command we can pass to Horizon.

High-level analytics:

Jobs per minute

Jobs in the past hour

Failed jobs in the past hour

Queue worker status

Total processes

Max wait time for your jobs

Max run time for your jobs

Max throughput for your jobs

You will also show a list of the supervisors you have running as well as all running job queue processes in your entire system to know the balancing time of your web application.

Here following attached screenshots for that:

Supervisor, job-Queue entire dashboard report

Monitoring of all jobs/process report

Job & queue specific analytics report

(Event listeners, notifications, queued mail)

Failed job report


Laravel Horizon can send SMS or Slack messages to notify the app owner if the wait is getting long on a queue. So can idea about the execution flow and get a notification for the same.


Laravel Horizon allows auth feature, who can access the horizon dashboard and account. It provides auth-based security.

Deploying Horizon:

Laravel Horizon deploying to a live server, we should first configure the process monitor using the “php artisan horizon” command and need to restart the server. When you deploy newly fresh on the server, we need to follow the master horizon process to terminate. So it will restart the server and execute with the latest uploaded code changed.

Supervisor Configuration:

While you are using the Supervisor process monitor to manage your horizon process, the following configuration file should suffice:


Laravel Queues implementation is an awesome option for solving in-line work processes and it will do asynchronously background processes and increase performance. The horizon feature allows you to quickly job execution and fail job time mentioning through the web application. It makes it easier to identify and resolve the app issues and it handles multiple workers and monitors their real process.

Laravel Horizon Consultation

Why to Engage with Bytes Technolab?

Supercharge Your Queue System Insights and Collaborate with Bytes Technolab, your trusted Laravel Development partner. Elevate Your Application Today! You can also hire dedicated Laravel developers for evolving projects, accelerate your ongoing web app development or backend development projects for web and mobile apps.

Contact us now to unlock priceless benefits through our professional approach and expertise in Laravel web app development.

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