Mobile App Development


The ongoing debate among mobile application developers centers around React Native vs Flutter, which are widely regarded as the most dominant cross-platform application development technologies. These two frameworks have gained immense popularity within a relatively brief period.

If you’re not familiar, both of these frameworks empower you to write code and build applications that can function on multiple platforms, including iOS and Android. As a result, there’s no need to create separate codebases for each platform, which can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive task. Instead, you can develop applications using a unified codebase. Moreover, by reducing the amount of coding necessary, you can accelerate the app development process and effectively manage your budget.

Now the question is what is the difference between React Native and Flutter? And which one is better for your mobile app development needs?

So, to know the answers to these questions, keep reading this article till the end.

What is React Native?

React Native is a framework that merges the advantages of native development and React to create user interfaces. It allows developers to develop mobile applications solely using JavaScript. These applications can be downloaded from both the Google Play Store and the Apple Store.

What is Flutter?

Flutter, created by Google, is a cross-platform mobile app development framework that offers developers a convenient approach to constructing and distributing visually appealing, natively compiled applications for mobile (iOS, Android), web, and desktop platforms. The remarkable aspect is that all of this can be achieved using a single code base.

Now that you know what React Native and Flutter are, let’s have a look at the differences between these two.

Choosing Framework for Mobile App Development


The Difference Between Flutter and React Native:

Programming language

When it comes to programming languages, React Native app development uses the well-known JavaScript for building applications.

On the other hand, Flutter development uses Dart programming language to develop mobile apps.


The performance of an application can be affected by the implementation of a JavaScript Bridge in React Native, which enables communication between native components.

Flutter development offers native components that enhance application performance.

Learning Curve

React Native development is the favored choice among developers due to the relative ease of learning JavaScript compared to Dart. Additionally, a majority of web developers have prior experience with JavaScript. Nevertheless, the utilization of JavaScript for mobile app development differs from its application in web development, leading to potential challenges during the transition.

Flutter utilizes Dart as its programming language, which may not be the most straightforward language to learn initially. However, once you acquire proficiency in Dart, creating apps with Flutter becomes exceptionally effortless.

Installation and setup

Setting up the React Native environment requires patience as it is not a quick-to-install framework.

Compared to React Native, installing and setting up Flutter is a straightforward and swift process.


Flux application architecture is utilized by React Native, while the JavaScript Bridge component is employed for compiling JS code into Native code, enabling real-time code compilation.

In contrast, Flutter adopts a layered architecture and utilizes the Skia graphics engine. Furthermore, Flutter’s data flow follows a unidirectional pattern, inspired by RefluxJS.

Time to develop apps

Developing cross-platform applications with React Native is notably time-efficient. However, its hot reloading feature does not match the seamless experience provided by Flutter.

In contrast, Flutter offers a hot reload feature that enables developers to preview code changes in real time, coupled with built-in widgets that accelerate application development.

Community support

React Native boasts an expansive and vibrant community that is exceptionally active and enthusiastic in providing assistance to React Native developers.

Although the Flutter community is not as extensive as that of React Native, the support it provides is prompt and efficient.

Code Maintenance

Debugging in React Native can be a challenging and demanding task, particularly when utilizing third-party libraries that may introduce compatibility issues that are difficult to troubleshoot.

Maintaining the code of Flutter apps is effortless, thanks to the straightforwardness of the code and the abundance of external debugging tools available.

Suitability for complex applications

With React Native, it is possible to develop complex applications. However, developers should have knowledge of JavaScript and Native development skills.

While Flutter may be not capable of developing complex applications. That’s because developing complex apps require extensive features and functionality and this cross-platform framework doesn’t emerge as a suitable choice.

React Native vs Flutter: the Advantages

Now that you know the key differences between React Native and Flutter app development, let’s have a look at the advantages of both these cross-platform app development frameworks.

React Native Pros

Some advantages of using React Native include:

Native-like performance

React Native bridges the gap between native and hybrid apps by leveraging native components. This results in highly responsive and performant applications that closely resemble native app experiences.

Live (hot) reload

React Native offers a live (hot) reload feature which allows developers to instantly see the changes made to the code without the need for a full app restart. This speeds up the development process and allows for quick iterations and experimentation.

Reusable components

React Native utilizes a component-based architecture, enabling the creation of reusable UI components. These components can be shared across different parts of the application or even between different React Native projects, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

Access to native APIs

React Native allows developers to access device-specific APIs, enabling the integration of platform-specific functionalities into the application. This flexibility allows for native-like experiences while maintaining cross-platform compatibility.

Faster development cycles

With React Native, developers can achieve faster development cycles by sharing a significant portion of code between different platforms. This reduces development time and effort compared to building separate native apps.

Flutter Pros

Some advantages of using Flutter include:

Fast and responsive UI

Flutter utilizes a reactive framework and offers a wide range of pre-designed widgets, resulting in smooth, fast, and visually appealing user interfaces. The UI updates in real time, providing a responsive user experience.

Hot reload

Flutter’s hot reload feature enables developers to see the changes they make to the code immediately reflected in the app without needing to restart the entire application. This speeds up the development process and allows for quick experimentation and iteration.

Rich set of customizable widgets

Flutter application development provides an extensive collection of customizable widgets that can be easily tailored to match specific design requirements. This allows developers to create unique and visually appealing user interfaces without having to rely on platform-specific design elements.

Performance optimization

Flutter’s architecture and rendering engine, Skia, contribute to excellent app performance. It enables the development of fast and efficient apps with smooth animations and minimal lag.

Easy integration with existing apps

Flutter offers seamless integration with existing native code, allowing developers to gradually migrate parts of an app or add new features without rebuilding the entire application from scratch.

Which is better: React Native or Flutter?

Selecting a definitive winner between React Native and Flutter, particularly considering their backing by industry giants Facebook and Google, is a challenging decision to make.

In the realm of cross-platform mobile development, the comparison between Flutter and React Native sparks a comprehensive debate. However, it is worth noting that each framework offers distinct advantages and features that set them apart from one another.

In this discussion, we will analyze the specific circumstances where either Flutter or React Native would be a more suitable choice for you.

When to choose React Native?

For JavaScript developers, it is advisable to utilize React Native for developing cross-platform applications. Additionally, mastering JavaScript is generally easier in comparison to Dart, making it a more advantageous choice.

If your intention is to utilize custom components across multiple applications.

Applications that have extensive customization requirements can benefit from the wide array of libraries accessible for JavaScript.

If the application you intend to build necessitates distinct designs tailored to specific platforms.

When to choose Flutter?

If you are already familiar with Dart or enthusiastic about learning it, opting for Flutter can be a wise decision.

If your objective is to rapidly develop applications with minimal customization requirements, Flutter widgets prove to be highly advantageous.

To create applications that deliver an exceptional user experience.

If your priority is to swiftly identify and resolve bugs, Flutter is an ideal choice.

Flutter vs React Native for App Development

Final takeaways

It’s hard to say which is better, React Native or Flutter because both of them are powerful, but their use cases are completely different. Although there are similarities between them, it is crucial to be aware of the significant differences before making a decision on which one to utilize.

The selection of an appropriate cross-platform framework for your business application or startup app idea is largely dependent on factors such as your development experience, the composition of your development team, and the specific native elements your project requires access to.

Although, whatever you may choose, whether it’s React Native or Flutter, Bytes Technolab Inc. can help you with that! As we are a leading cross-platform mobile app development company known to build highly-functional cross-platform mobile apps. So, if you are in need of a Flutter application developer, you can hire them from us. Also, if you are in need of React Native developers, we can provide you with that as well! Just call us today to know more!

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