Node.Js Development Service

Why Use Node.js for Web Development?

With Node.js for backend development, JSON provides the NoSQL database requiring you to avoid data manipulation and have more control over data exchange. As a result, you get powerful web & mobile apps.

Bytes Technolab has in-house expertise in working with the best Node.js frameworks like Express.js, Meteor, and Sails.js. Our Node.js web development services enable server-side and client-side rendering both at an equal consistency for faster real-time apps.

We have dedicatedly developed lightweight, scalable, and flexible web applications with a difference built on the open-source and cross-platform Node.js framework.

Node Js Web Development Company

Our Node.js Web Development Services

We help you unlock the full potential of your apps and websites with our Node.js web development services. We are committed to giving you reliable, secure, quality services to use Node.js for backend development.

Professional Express Js Development

Experts Express.js Development

We integrate API using HTTP and CSS compliant Pug templates to create apps with best Node.js frameworks.

eCommerce App Development  With Node Js

eCommerce App Development

We prefer Node.js to build scalable eCommerce platforms with critical functionalities & complex backends.

Advance Features Online Portal

Rich Portal Development

We can add functional elements with Node.js and Express.js to ensure real-time user feedback for web portals.

Custom Node Js Development Service

Custom Node.js Development

With runtime environment Nodejs, we can use NPM, AJAX and JSON to build custom-made Node.js solutions.

Custom CMS Development Service

Custom CMS Development

By enabling GraphQL support, our experts can offer top CMS solutions with MongoDB & React running on Node.js.

Backend Development using Node Js

Node.js Backend Development

Hire Node.js experts to build dynamic & user-friendly backend systems for CRM, ERP, web & mobile apps.

API Integration & Development

API Development & Integration

We build RESTful APIs & also integrate 3rd-party APIs to add functionalities with Nodejs, Mongoose, JWT and more.

Websocked Libraries

Socket-based Web Development

We fuse, Hapi.js and other websocket libraries with Node.js to speed up real-time web app development.

Advance Dashboard Development Service

Dashboard Development

We run npm modules and many Node.js modules like event-loop and web sockets to build powerful dashboards.

Perks of Node.js for Web Development

  • Full-stack JavaScript development : Be it backend or frontend, you can reduce development cost and also time with one single language JS.
  • Microservice Architecture : Ready-to-use and event-driven I/O modules can be split into small pieces to test the app’s scalability and usability.
  • Rich Environment : JavaScript-based NPM provides you with large numbers of blocks to build Node web apps and improve performance.
  • Rapid Development : Chrome V8 engine turns JS codes into machine codes and enables faster web app development.
  • Event-driven: Node.js uses event-driven programming, making lightweight and efficient real-time app development easier and faster.
Benefits of Node Js Development Service

What Makes Us the Best Node.js Development Company?

Professional Node Js Development

Experienced Coders

Hire Node.js developers with proven expertise in Nodejs, JavaScript, Nest.js, Sail.js, Express.js to build data-driven IoT apps, chat apps, social platforms, etc.

Personalized Approach in Node Js Development

Personalized Approach

We follow two approaches, extensibility and reliability while developing our strategies with transparency to have your valuable insights into building backends.

Node Js Support Services


From installation, troubleshooting to upgrades, we do everything efficiently. Hire Node.js programmers who are ready to help you any time you want.

Build a Team of Node.js Experts

Our developers can offer you the quality Nodejs consulting services designed to address the diverse business challenges of clients. Our wide pool of skills in Node.js APIs Buffers and HTTP, new features async/await, Express.js, Hapi.js, npm encryption and ORM tools among other enable us to master every Node.js development. Create and own your team now. We present, you choose & onboard.

Create Node Js Developers Team


Node.js development services refer to the services offered by software development companies or freelance developers who specialize in building web applications, APIs, and real-time applications using the Node.js runtime environment. These services may include custom application development, migration of existing applications to Node.js, maintenance and support of Node.js applications, and integration with databases and other technologies.

Node.js is an open-source, server-side JavaScript runtime environment that is used in web development to build fast, scalable, and data-intensive applications. It is used for handling I/O operations and asynchronous programming and is particularly suited for building real-time applications, APIs, and microservices. Node.js can be used with various web development frameworks and libraries such as Express.js, Meteor.js, and Socket.IO, and can also be used with different databases and technologies to create powerful web applications.

Some of the advantages of using Node.js for web development include:


  • High-performance: Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, which allows it to execute code very quickly. This means that Node.js can handle a high volume of concurrent connections without sacrificing performance.
  • Large and active community: Node.js has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its development and share their knowledge and expertise. This means that there are plenty of resources available for developers who need help or want to learn more about Node.js.
  • Scalable: Node.js is designed to be scalable, which means that it can handle an increasing amount of traffic as the application grows. This is particularly important for web applications that need to handle a large number of users.
  • Cross-platform: Node.js can be used on a variety of platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes it a versatile tool that can be used for web development regardless of the operating system being used.

No, Node.js is not suitable for all types of development projects. While it is well-suited for building scalable, high-performance web applications, it may not be the best choice for projects that require heavy processing or real-time data processing, such as machine learning or artificial intelligence. Additionally, Node.js is primarily a backend technology, so it may not be the best choice for projects that require extensive front-end development. Ultimately, the suitability of Node.js depends on the specific requirements of the project.

The cost of developing a Node.js application can vary widely depending on the complexity of the application, the size of the development team, the location of the developers, and other factors. Generally, the cost of developing a Node.js application will include expenses such as salaries for developers, infrastructure costs, and any third-party tools or services that are used.

Node.js can be used to build a wide range of web apps such as real-time applications, streaming applications, data-intensive applications, and scalable server-side applications. Moreover, with the help of Node.js, you can also build chat applications, online gaming platforms, and social media sites.

The time it takes to develop a Node.js application can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the experience of the development team.

Yes, you can hire our expert Node.js developers on an hourly basis as the billing is done according to the time spent by the team.

We offer a range of Node.js development service that includes:


  • Experts Express.js development
  • eCommerce app development
  • Rich portal development
  • Custom Node.js development
  • Custom CMS development
  • Node.js backend development
  • API development and integration
  • Socket-based web development
  • And, dashboard development.

We at Bytes Technolab Inc offer 4 types of hiring models to Hire Node.js developers that includes:


  • Fixed cost

In this hiring model, the billing is done at a fixed cost that is pre-defined for larger projects with definitive requirements.

  • Hourly engagement

In this hiring model, the billing is done according to the hours spent by the developers. Also, the hourly rates depend on the experience of the developers.

  • Part-time engagement

In this hiring model, the billing is done based on the number of hours. For instance, in a part-time engagement model, our hired experts will work for 4 hours/day for 5 days/week.

  • Full-time engagement

Lastly, in this hiring model, the billing is done based on the number of hours. For instance, in a full-time engagement model, our hired experts will work for 8 hours/day for 5 days/week.

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