Technology And Its Applications In Fight Against The Covid-19
The outbreak of COVID-19 has transcended every boundary evolving into a pandemic so far. For the last three months into 2020, we know this respiratory disease has left the world facing an existential global health crisis, yet not so deadly but highly contagious. The impact of Covid-19 on the people, its society and the world is higher than any kind of respiratory disease like SARS. The most concerning thing are the interconnectedness of globalization, the rapid dependencies on the supply chain operations and travel.
As COVID-19 rattles everything, are we able to contain the crisis of this disease? New digital technology is opening up avenues to aid infection control measures and tackle the scale of COVID-19.
In this piece of an important article, we will discuss the different roles of interconnected digital technologies to help fight the ongoing corona virus pandemic. Here’s a rundown of how different technology tools we can use to make things possible.